In the early seventeenth century, an old picture of Mary was discovered by Dominic of Jesus-Mary, a Carmelite, in the church of Maria della Scala in Rome. The picture was dusty and a bit torn. The Carmelite took the picture, cleaned it, and venerated it. It was taken to his room, where Dominic of Jesus-Mary prayed in front of it and requested many favors from the Blessed Virgin. He discovered later that dust had fallen onto it; he used his handkerchief to clean it. Because he only had the handkerchief, he felt bad for touching the picture and apologized and prayed, “O pure and holiest Virgin, nothing in the whole world is worthy of touching your holy face, but since I have nothing but this coarse handkerchief, deign to accept my good will.” After he dusted the pictured, Dominic of Jesus-Mary realized that the face of Mary had smiled at him and bowed her head. Her head remained bowed from then onwards. She told him that his prayers were being answered and that he should continue to make requests. He proceeded to ask that a friend of his get into Heaven; she told him to offer masses and good works for his friend. Later, Mary appeared to him again and showed him the soul of his friend. Dominic of Jesus-Mary implored her that anyone who prays in front of an image of Our Lady of Grace may receive their request. The Holy Mother replied, "All those who devoutly venerate me in this picture and take refuge to me will have their request granted and I will obtain for them many graces; but especially will I hear their prayers for the relief and deliverance of the souls in purgatory.”
Standing at 12.5" tall, this statue will be a reminder to pray for the souls in Purgatory.